FCRES Classrooms

Welcome to Kindergarten!
Mrs. Ossont's Class

Back To School.pngSpecials Schedule
Day 1 - Computers
Day 2 - Art
Day 3 - Social/Emotional Learning (PATHS)
Day 4 - Phys. Ed
Day 5 - Music
Day 6 - Instruments

Welcome Back to School!
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Important Reminders

  • Please check your child’s orange folder daily for important papers and student work. Please initial the behavior chart daily and check the back of the folder for any notes from me. 
  •     Please remember to send in a snack with your child daily!!
  • Send any money for the cafeteria (lunch or snack) in a sealed envelope labeled with your child’s name, teacher name, and titled Cafeteria Account.
  • Our breakfast program is free. It will be available when your child arrives in the morning. Snack will be at the end of our day. Your child may bring a drink or buy milk. Please note that snack milk is NOT part of the free or reduced program and has to be paid for. 

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Contact Me:

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